Geyer Drilling Company provides reliable well drilling services out of Alvarado Texas and serves Tarrant, Johnson, Ellis, Dallas, Hill, and Hood counties. Here are the list of services that we are and have been providing since the start:

Leave It To The Best

A well is a complex system involving sophisticated machinery. Geyer Drilling Company drills for many purposes, from irrigation to providing drinking water in areas not served by municipal systems. We drill wells from 2” to 36”.

After the well is drilled, the borehole and system must be assured, for providing access to the water installed. This will include a water pump, and other equipment. Water wells that have the equipment properly installed are a lasting asset, providing convenient access to pure water.

​Geyer Drilling Company drills wells for a variety of uses, including residential irrigation and potable water supply. We also rehabilitate and repurpose existing wells. We inspect, clean, and maintain water well systems. Contact us today for more information.

Picking the Right Pump

After your water well is drilled, the system for accessing your water is installed. The key piece of this equipment is the water pump. Your well pump must operate all day, every day, year-round, so proper pump installation is extremely important. Geyer Drilling Company are experts at pump installation, using only the best available water pumps.

Shallow well pumps are used for wells of about 25 feet deep or less. They are placed above ground, in some sort of housing, usually near the well. Deep well pumps are used for wells from about 90 to 300 feet deep and are submerged in the well.

The type of pump system you will need will vary, taking into account the size and depth of the water well. Leave it to the professionals at Geyer Well Drilling Company to help guide you in the right direction. 

Solar Pumps:

After much research, we have succeeded in making solar pumps that use sunlight for energy rather than your normal electrical connection. In case of a power outage, you do not have to worry about your well.

Easy Storage

A water storage tank holds clean water from your reverse osmosis system or other filter systems until you're ready to use it. Pressurized storage tanks force water out on-demand, while atmospheric tanks require a booster pump to supply pressure. Water storage tanks exist in a vast array of sizes, designs, and specifications, and can be used residentially, commercially, and for large-scale industrial or municipal enterprises. 

Water storage tanks come in all shapes, sizes, and configurations, and are used for a variety of purposes across the water treatment industry. From a small, 5-gallon reverse osmosis tank stored neatly under your sink to a towering 120-gallon well pressure tank, water storage tanks are an integral part of many household water systems. Large, outdoor atmospheric tanks can store thousands of gallons of rainwater, well water, or be used for fire suppression. These tanks are usually equipped with UV inhibitors, preventing sunlight from facilitating algae and bacterial growth within the tank. Thermal expansion tanks prevent water heaters on closed water supplies from leaking and bursting. 

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Need Help? We've Got You Covered

Regardless of the problems with your well, or its age, we can put it back in tip-top condition in no time! Contact us today.

We Offer Much More Then Well Drilling!

Other services we provide:

  • Well Plugins -- plugging the well to eliminate seepage into the surrounding areas
  • Electronic Loggings -- We will research and analyze the types of soil that are present in the earth and deduce features about it. Then we will record it to make informed decisions and improve your system. 
  • Retrieving Equipment -- We will assist in getting out anything that has fallen into the well including the pipes, broken wire plates, and wires. Also, we will fix wellheads in case of an accident or malfunction. 
  • Well Filling -- Not only do we make wells, but we fill them up as well! By following regulations, we can fill up old, unused wells and guide you in the steps necessary to have the well in compliance. 
  • Hand Pump Installation -- Should your pump malfunction, you can use the backup hand pump which can be installed for manual extraction of the water.
  • Irrigation Water Wells -- for those who need to feed their cattle or other agricultural purposes, we are here to assist.
  • Electro Treatment -- using electric shocks, we can neutralize any microorganisms that are contaminating your water well. 
  • Acid Treatment -- Acidizing the water well enables the removal of free radicals and ions that build up over time and are detrimental to your body. Iron, lead, and sulfur are some examples of the toxic elements that could be present.

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